| By Jules Becker | Mar 6
A Man of No Importance, SpeakEasy Stage, Roberts Studio, Calderwood Pavilion, Boston Center for the Arts, through March 22.

| By Jules Becker | Mar 6
Swan Lake, Boston Ballet, Citizens Opera House, Boston, through March 16. 617-695-6950 or BostonBallet.org

Hundreds gather at IBA's annual Valentine's Day concert to celebrate love and community
All Proceeds GoTo Corporate Accountability, Brew & Forge, and Neighborhood Birth Center.

| By Jules Becker | Feb 20
SPACE, a Brit d'Arbeloff Women in Science and The Catalyst Collaborative at MIT production. Central Square Theater, Cambridge, through February 23. 617-576-9278.

| By Jules Becker | Feb 20
The Piano Lesson, Actors' Shakespeare Project, performed in partnership with Hibernian Hall, through February 23. 617-241-2200 or ActorsShakespeareProject.org

| By Jules Becker | Feb 6
Ain't No Mo', SpeakEasy Stage Company and Front Porch Arts Collective, Roberts Studio Theatre,Calderwood Pavilion,Boston Center for the Arts, through February 9. bostontheatrescene,com or 617-933-8600.

| By Jules Becker | Jan 23
Crumbs from the Table of Joy, Lyric Stage Company of Boston, through February 2. 617-585-5678 or lyricstage.com

| By Jules Becker | Jan 9
Explorations of identity, gender, diversity and tradition enriched much of the best theater of 2024.

| By Jules Becker | Dec 12
The Nutcracker, Jose Mateo Ballet Theatre, Strand Theatre, 543 Columbia Road, Boston, through December 22. 617-635-1403 The Lion in Winter, Theater Uncorked, Plaza Theatre, Boston Center for the Arts, through December 15. 617-933-8600