Opinion » Letters

Warren Tolman an independent leader

by Julie Walker
Wednesday Aug 20, 2014

In the cacophony of campaign ads and sound bites, one candidate has truly stood out this election season. Warren Tolman has run a terrific campaign for Attorney General, and South End residents looking for a progressive Attorney General should support him.

As a state legislator, Warren earned a reputation as an independent leader by taking on Big Tobacco, fighting for Clean Elections, and leading on ethics reform. As a candidate for Attorney General, Warren has consistently been out in front of his opponent with bold ideas on combating gun violence, ending campus sexual assault, and tackling opiate abuse. Notably, Warren is the only candidate who has pledged to use existing state law to mandate smart gun technology on all handguns sold in Massachusetts. This is an essential reform that will keep our communities safe.

On September 9, I will proudly vote for Warren Tolman for Attorney General, and I urge my neighbors to do the same.

Andrew London
South End