Opinion » Editorial

An Open Letter to Boston Area College and University Students

by . .
Thursday Apr 16, 2015

On Monday, April 20th, Boston will host the 119th running of the Boston Marathon. This event signals the beginning of spring in Boston with all of its marathon-related events and visitors from around the nation and the world. The Boston marathon has taken on a much greater significance due to the tragic events of two years ago. As always, we have been preparing with our many partners, both public and private, on a safety and security plan. Marathon-related activities will begin on Friday, April 17th and continue throughout the holiday weekend.
Like all major public events there is always great concern about your safety and the consideration of those who reside in our neighborhoods. The Boston Police Department would like to ensure that you are informed, that you are safe, and that you conduct yourself appropriately.
The Boston Police Department (BPD) will have an increased presence of uniformed and undercover officers along the marathon route.
Cameras have been installed along the Boston portion of the Marathon route and observation points will be set up along the finish line area in the Back Bay to monitor the crowd.
Spectators are encouraged to leave large items such as backpacks and large handbags at home. These items are not banned however individuals may be subject to search.
On Marathon Monday, Newbury Street and Huntington Avenue outbound will be closed to vehicular traffic to allow easier spectator movement in the area.
Vehicular traffic will be prohibited and parking restricted on many streets in Boston on the days leading up to the Marathon and on Marathon Monday.
It is recommended that you take the MBTA to travel.
The warm weather also invites certain types of crime in neighborhoods often where there are large concentrations of students. When you are out and about please remember to:
Always secure your on and off campus housing units when you leave and lock the doors at all times. A significant number of recently reported house breaks to student housing have been through unlocked windows.
Make sure your electronic devices are secure or locked up since these are often attractive targets.
Do not walk and talk on your phone or walk with headphones on of any kind. Electronic devices such as iPods, iPhones and expensive headphones are an attractive and lucrative target.
Walk with a companion and in well-lit areas.
Be alert and aware of your surroundings. "If you see something, say something."
All public drinking, open containers, and intoxication will not be tolerated.
Congregating on rooftops, fire escapes, and porches is prohibited.
Call 9-1-1 in an emergency.
It is our hope that you enjoy the holiday weekend festivities and celebrate in a safe and respectful manner. Please keep in mind that the eyes of the world are on the City of Boston and that you all play a role in our effort to ensure that we are a shining example of good sportsmanship and pride.
Police Commissioner William B. Evans
Superintendent Bernard P. O'Rourke